Tag: Bike and Book tours
Coming this spring: A Breathtaking talk near you!
Spring is finally here! Time to pull out the bikes, start dreaming of some outdoor adventures—and join the Ebers as we stop by to give a talk about adventuring by bicycle at a local event near you! For all our friends and sponsors who we missed last year, we’re catching up with a busy schedule […]
Thanks for an amazing 2022!
Thank you for making 2022 such a fun and successful year for Bike for Breath! As 2023 rapidly approaches, we want to share with you a snapshot of our many adventures in raising awareness about asthma, clean air and sustainable travel over the past year; update you on our projects for 2023; and most of […]
Get ready for an exciting summer of “Breathtaking” events!
Hooray! Our publisher, Falcon, has given us a firm release date for our book Breathtaking. June 15, 2022. And we’re off planning another set of exciting Eber adventures. This time, we’re inviting you to join us! Mark your calendars for the following dates. June 18 is our book launch party for sponsors.