Car-free in Carcassonne

we are currently living in the south of France, in the medieval hilltop city of Carcassonne. Without a car. We decided to try the French lifestyle and are “toodling around on bikes dans la campagne francaise” instead of driving everywhere. More accurately, we are trying out a life of picking up our fresh baguettes and croissants in the morning by walking to the local épicierie. Biking to the local open air marché to fill up our panniers with farm fresh lettuce, freshly picked local oranges and homemade cheese every Saturday. And wandering for hours around the red-tile roofed Mediterranean villages on the French coast, just an hour’s train ride away on our weekly excursions.

How to vacation by bike  

  Finally! You’re planning a summer vacation this year. But the gas prices are ridiculous. Plane tickets are impossible to find. And it would be nice to take a trip that’s environmentally responsible. Why not consider vacationing by bike? Bike travel can be very fun and affordable. And it doesn’t have to be complicated. While […]

A New Year’s resolution to save the planet: Try cycling instead of driving

2021 is finally arriving and I’ve been pondering what good I can salvage from the wreckage of 2020? What do I want to leave behind? What do I want to keep? What will I do differently? In past years, my New Year’s resolutions have focused on me: Diets and exercise plans to make me healthier, […]